Saturday, September 14, 2013

Weigh in and goal for the week

Weigh in: 218.2

Well I lost weight. I think the number is a little skewed though because yesterday was Yom Kippur and I fasted all day (in 106 degrees, thought I was going to die, but look! I didn't! Yay me!) We will see what happens this week.
The Rawvolution was a complete flop. Especially when we ran out of food in the house and I was forced to eat raw nuts and coffee only. So I broke down and had a peanut butter sandwich because I was starving.
I think this week I am going to try for raw until dinner and vegan for dinner.

Goals for the week:
To try raw until dinner and then eat vegan dinner
To not eat after 8pm
To exercise three times this week. Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday. This is the one I think will be the hardest as all my kids are home from vacation and I have to exercise at home. This means somehow carving out some time/space to exercise without distraction. This has been hard for me. I love exercise, but exercising not in a gym is hard. My kids laugh at me cuz I look silly. The floor is tile and hard. I start exercising and then the baby wants to be fed. I try going into a room by myself but there is not enough room to move around. I am going to try to put all these things that have so far gotten in my way aside and just d it. I downloaded a lot of free exercise videos from iTunes this summer when they were free and now it is time to try em out. I tried some of them and hated them, but not we are going to just bite the bullet and try a random three.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You can blame Susan Campbell Cross

I came up with the list idea after reading Susan Campbell Cross' book the FabYOUlist. In it, Mrs Cross, sets out ot achieve certain tasks in a certain time frame. I will admit that her list is diffeent from mine. In her list she strove to do things that she had not done before. ATVing is not on my list, but was on hers. My list is only focused on creating a healthier me. Inside and out. I want to try things I have heard should make me healthier. I want to see for myself if they work.
I also do nto have the budget Mrs. Cross had. There will be no spa trips in California, or ATVing in Banff for me. For the pricier items on my list I will have to find an afforsbale way to make them happen. I do not live in Hidden Hills. I don't save money in any given month, so any cash that comes for my challeneges is going to have to be taken from some other part of my budget.
I will say that other than having a list that is more in line with someone with a big budget, Mrs. Cross had some good points. Many things we do not accomplish or have not accomplished have some other emotional aspect attached to them. I am sure thatmy overeating and under excercising are all tied up ina  slew of other emotional causes that I am hoping to work out here on these pages. It is not going to be pretty. I am going to have to tear downa lot of walls in order to build up something that does not resemble a healthy body image and healthy lifestyle but actually is a healthy body image and healthy lifestyle.
I wonder if it is doable. Can I become a healthier person and accomplish everything on my list?

Monday, September 9, 2013

My harebrained scheme

The day I stepped ont he scale and saw 225 I just wanted to run out and get liposuction. Or my stomacg stapled. Or anyting easy to make it all go away. That was safe. The easy way. But I realized at the same time that I wanted to be healthy. That I want to live a healthy lifestyle. And that surgery wasn't going to solve any of it.
I read somewhere that if you do not lose the weight in 18 months that there is no way you are ever going to lose it. That you have to commit for 18 months in order to be successful. I'll be honest, 18 months seems like a hella long time. A really really long time when all I really want is for the weight I have accumulated over 30 years (YIPES!) to just shed magically in 10 seconds.
I feel the time is now. I am done having kids (5 in 6 years seems like a pretty good place to start), and while my baby is still only breastfeeding, I feel like now is a good time to start trying to lose the weight. I want to flip a switch in my life and lead that healthy lifestyle that people claim is so amazing and wonderful. I want to feel amazing and wonderful! I want to be a good role model. I want to live a long life. 225 on the scale at a mere 5'6" is not going to elad me anywhere but, G-d forbid, a very unhealthy lifestyle.
So here we are, my ltitle challenge. My desire to shed the bad and replace it with the good. Here is to 18 months to healthy me! See you on the other side.

The Rawvolution: It sucks

Hello! Day two of going raw here. Guess what? It sucks! The good news I have made an exception and have declared that iced coffee is a raw food and I also discovered myself some raw wine in my fridge. Not exactly health food.
We are in a budget crunch here. As in, damn, money for groceries, what is that? There are very few raw fruits and veggies in my fridge. Raw onion slices anyone? Anyone? No? Yea, me neither. I have been jonesing for protein and in a fit raided my freezer. I found some raw macadamia nuts way in the back behind my ice cream making supply stash. My mother had sent me a few months back when she wanted me to make her cookies (which I never did, sorry ma). So I have been eating lots of nuts, coffee, wine, apples and that is pretty much it. Not really want I think a raw diet should look like.
Oh! I did juice something today. An apple, some parsley, and a cucumber. It was really good. I had made myself a smoothie this morning with maple syrup, blueberries, and strawberries but the hubby and the four little people drank it before I even got a sniff. Easy come, easy go.
Groceries will hopefully be coming Wednesday. I am hoping for some greens (roughage, I read on a raw website that I need lots of greens to go alkaline. Unclear what that means. Maybe to become a battery of some sort?) I am also going to order some oatmeal to make slow "cooked" oatmeal, which is one of my favorites. I am trying to find out if dried fruit is considered raw or if it is cooked. Still looking into that one.
In my poking around online I found a woman who lost 100 lbs on the raw diet in 8 months. Awesome! I momentarily thought. But I do not think that this is sustainable for 8 months. I really miss bread. I think I will keep it up for as long as I can, though, and hope I do not binge on a chocolate cake at the end of it.
Goals for the rest of the week: Greens! More smoothies! Oatmeal! Ditch the wine (sorry, the lady who lost 100lbs said coffee was kopasedec on the raw diet, so it is here to stay).
Good news: Have a massive terrible headache. Am told that this means all the toxins in my body are being released and that it is great to feel like shit. So yeeha! I feel like crap and that is supposedly great for me!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

#43 Trying to go raw

I added the idea of trying a raw diet to my list of things I want to accomplish in the next 18 months because I wanted to see what kind of a diet worked for me. Will going raw really be as "uplifting" and wonderful as everyone says? Will I want to shun chocolate and cake and all the other things that are toxifying (is that even a word?) my body?
I have no clue. Simple answer. I figure I can do it for a week and since tomorrow starts my official "Lose 75 lbs in 18 months" challenge, I figured going raw was maybe the easiest thing to do.
Tomorrow is actually a fast day in the Jewish calendar, but since I am still nursing #5 I only have ot fast into the afternoon, and then I can officially start my one week of raw eating.
I know it is going to be hard. I love bread. And peanut butter. And while I am sure I could sprout my own wheat and make some form of bread, I'm not going to. Likewise making my own peanut butter. With five kids under 6 running around my house, I am goign to have to settle for the basics of the raw diet.
I am hoping that I feel better by the end of the week. That going raw helps me discover all the fruits and vegetables that I truly love and also helps me discover a few that I have not tried. I don't think going raw is going to be a permanent change, but I could be wrong. Go on world, surprise me! Make me want to drink raw wheatgrass and raw carob candy bars! Sounds awesome! Well, maybe not. Like I said, I only have a very basic desire to rediscover all the wonderful fruit and veg out ther ethat I have been ignoring for chocolate spread and popsicles. Truly, my diet is crap. And chocolate spread is delicious. Do they have raw chocolate spread? No! Don't tell me. Let's focus on peppers.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The list

  1. Lose 75 lbs
  2. Try a juice fast
  3. Get a mani and pedi
  4. Buy an outfit that makes me feel good and look good
  5. Join a gym
  6. Try yoga
  7. Try pilates
  8. Run a 5K
  9. Read a self help book
  10. See a nutritionist
  11. Get rid of some emotional baggage
  12. Clean out my physical space
  13. Try a trainer
  14. Try a new form of exercise
  15. Get my eyebrows done
  16. Let someone do my makeup
  17. Have my hair highlighted
  18. Try some cosmetic process I would have never tried otherwise
  19. Go away and have some me time
  20. Reconnect with someone
  21. Do something special just the husband and me
  22. Do something special with each of my kids
  23. See a dietitian
  24. Try not eating wheat/sugar/dairy for a month
  25. Make a really gourmet meal with recipes I have always wanted to try
  26. Try a new kind of cuisine
  27. Have a facial
  28. Get a massage
  29. Go to an overeaters anonymous meeting
  30. Start a blog
  31. Buy myself something nice, but frivolous
  32. Try a new hobby
  33. Take a class in something I do now already know 
  34. Help someone when I really don't want to
  35. Make a new friend
  36. Travel somewhere new
  37. Take on one home improvement project
  38. Give someone else a gift
  39. Try acupuncture
  40. Go to a party
  41. Have a family picture taken
  42. Get a nice haircut
  43. Try to go raw
  44. Try meditation
  45. Get new undergarments
  46. Get rid of my maternity clothes
  47. Try accunpuncture
  48. Work on my posture
  49. Make a flossing routine
  50. Drink more water